NFS server implementation is available in two kinds, kernel space (the default NFS server, available with almost all OS) and user space (NFS Ganesha). NFS Ganesha is open source community project, and available at

IBM Spectrum Scale support NFS Ganesha as the default NFS server on protocol nodes (or CES nodes). “ganesha_stats” utility helps in understanding NFS server statistics. This utility is not cluster aware and provides information on NFS server running on that node only.

Usage of “ganesha_stats” can be divided into 2 broad categories.

  • First category is about extracting various statistics under different heads like per protocol version, per export, fsal specific etc. In general these statistics are again grouped into 3 categories, server specific, FSAL specific and RPC Queue specific. For FSAL specific stats use option “fsal” and for RPC Queue specific statistics use "rpc".
  • The second category is about managing the stats counting operations such as enabling/disabling/resetting etc.

To get short information on the usage of “ganesha_stats”, pass “help” argument as shown below:

# ganesha_stats help
Command displays global stats by default.
To display current status regarding stat counting use
/usr/bin/ganesha_stats status
To display stat counters use
/usr/bin/ganesha_stats [list_clients | deleg <ip address> | inode |
                        iov3 [export id] | iov4 [export id] | export |
                        total [export id] | fast | pnfs [export id] |
                        fsal <fsal name> | v3_full | v4_full | rpc | auth]
To reset stat counters use
/usr/bin/ganesha_stats reset
To enable/disable stat counters use
/usr/bin/ganesha_stats [enable | disable] [all | nfs | fsal | v3_full | v4_full | rpc |
To get the current memory pool allocation
/usr/bin/ganesha_stats pool

Options to extract stats

  • global – this is the default option, if no argument is passed. This option
    provides a global view of NFS server operation statistics related to different protocol versions.
  • list_clients – this option provides information about all connected clients
    and also mentions whether per protocol are there any stats available or not
  • deleg – this option provides information on delegations related to the
    specified client. This option needs additional argument specifying the client IP address. Delegations are not supported by NFS Ganesha on Spectrum Scale.
  • inode – this option provides information on caching done by NFS Ganesha. The
    information includes cache hit, miss, conflict etc.
  • iov3 – This option provides information on NFSv3 related stats. If NFSv3
    stats are available for an export, it provides details such as number requests, number of errors, latency etc.
  • iov4 - This option provides information on NFSv4 related stats. If NFSv3
    stats are available for an export, it provides details such as number requests, number of errors, latency etc.
  • export – this option provide information on the exports defined. Export id,
    export path, whether the export has any stats related to various protocols like NFSv3, NFSv4, NLM, 9P etc.
  • total – this option provides information on all exports and provides number
    of operations done per protocol version (NFSV3, NFSv40, NFSv41 etc)
  • fast – this option provides operations count per type of operation per
    protocol for the server.
  • pnfs – this option provides NFSv4.1 specific statistics. NFSv4.1 is not
    supported by NFS Ganesha on Spectrum Scale.
  • fsal – this option provides information about FSAL specific stats counting.
    This option requires additional parameter, which is FSAL name (e.g. gpfs). FSAL specific stats counting is disabled by default.
  • v3_full – this option provides statistics of all NFSv3 operations. "v3_full"
    stats counting is disabled by default.
  • v4_full – this option provides statistics of all NFSv4 operations (including
    all minor versions of NFSv4). "v4_full" stats counting is disabled by default.
  • rpc – this option provides information about RPC queue related stats. RPC
    Queue specific stats counting is disabled by default.
  • auth – this option provides information about authentication related stats
    for winbind and group cache. "auth" stats counting is disabled by default. This is available starting from Spectrum Scale 5.0.4 release.

Options to manage stats counting

  • help – this argument provides short help in “Ganesha_stats” utility.
  • status – this option provides information about what all stats counting is enabled and since when. The different types of stats counting possible are nfs server, FSAL specific (fsal), v3_full, v4_full and RPC Queue (rpc)
  • reset – this option helps in resetting all the stats counters (NFS serevr, FSAL specific, v3_full, v4_full & RPC Queue specific) to 0. This is helpful in case one wants to check the performance for a specific run.
  • enable/disable – these 2 options helps in dynamically enabling or disabling stats counting. Both options requires additional argument specifying which stats counting needs to be enabled/disabled. The valid options are NFS server (nfs), FSAL specific (fsal), NFSv3 full (v3_full), NFSv4 full (v4_full), RPC Queue Specific (rpc) or all.
  • pool – this option is for getting information on various memory pool allocations. This is useful in understanding the current memory allocation in Ganesha (only via memory pools).

Steps to monitor the performance:

Below procedure is required to be executed on all protocol (CES) node

  1. To begin with, first enable stats counting for FSAL, RPC Queue (it is disabled by default):
    # ganesha_stats enable all
  2. Before going to start the tests, make all the counters zero.
    # ganesha_stats reset
  3. Start the tests. And periodically collect below stats on every node. (say for every 30 min run all commands & collect the o/p in a file)
    1. # ganesha_stats fsal gpfs
    2. # ganesha_stats v3_full
    3. # ganesha_stats v4_full
    4. # ganesha_stats rpc
    5. # ganesha_stats reset <= Make all counters 0

Few Examples:

Checking current status of various stats counting:

# ganesha_stats  status
Stats counting for NFS server is enabled since:
        Thu Aug 23 00:40:19 2018658522215 nsecs
Stats counting for FSAL is currently disabled
Stats counting for RPC is currently disabled
Stats counting for v3_full is currently disabled
Stats counting for v4_full is currently disabled

Enabling fsal specific stats:

# ganesha_stats  enable fsal
Successfully enabled statistics counting

Enabling RPC Queue specific stats:

# ganesha_stats  enable rpc
Successfully enabled statistics counting

# ganesha_stats  status
Stats counting for NFS server is enabled since:
        Thu Aug 23 00:40:19 2018658522215 nsecs
Stats counting for FSAL is enabled since:
        Thu Aug 23 00:43:53 2018326619720 nsecs
Stats counting for RPC is enabled since:
        Thu Aug 23 00:44:12 201879056004 nsecs
Stats counting for v3_full is currently disabled
Stats counting for v4_full is currently disabled

Additional examples:

# ganesha_stats  enable all
Successfully enabled statistics counting

# ganesha_stats status
Stats counting for NFS server is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:33:24 2019617715043 nsecs
Stats counting for FSAL is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:35:21 2019179381497 nsecs
Stats counting for RPC is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:35:24 2019255547453 nsecs
Stats counting for v3_full is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:37:09 2019256784851 nsecs
Stats counting for v4_full is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:37:09 2019256794253 nsecs

Disabling stats (various examples):

# ganesha_stats  disable fsal
Successfully disabled statistics counting

# ganesha_stats  disable rpc
Successfully disabled statistics counting

# ganesha_stats status
Stats counting for NFS server is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:33:24 2019617715043 nsecs
Stats counting for FSAL is currently disabled
Stats counting for RPC is currently disabled
Stats counting for v3_full is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:37:09 2019256784851 nsecs
Stats counting for v4_full is enabled since:
        Tue Jan 22 04:37:09 2019256794253 nsecs

# ganesha_stats  disable nfs
Successfully disabled statistics counting

# ganesha_stats status
Stats counting for NFS server is currently disabled
Stats counting for FSAL is currently disabled
Stats counting for RPC is currently disabled
Stats counting for v3_full is currently disabled
Stats counting for v4_full is currently disabled

Extracting protocol version specific stats:

# ganesha_stats v3_full
NFSv3 Detailed statistics
Timestamp: Mon Jan 28 02:29:07 2019127096098 nsecs

Operation Details                         |  Operation Latency                     |  Queue Latency
Name            Total     Error      Dups |       Avg          Min           Max   |      Avg          Min           Max
GETATTR            38         0         0 |     0.025362     0.010524     0.062460 |     0.018227     0.010014     0.026622
SETATTR            10         0         0 |     1.288499     0.037150     5.801209 |     0.014868     0.009758     0.019687
LOOKUP             16         0         0 |     0.065190     0.022066     0.134778 |     0.015255     0.009498     0.021964
ACCESS             18         0         0 |     0.040911     0.012051     0.107734 |     0.018004     0.009885     0.042911
READLINK            2         0         0 |     0.023475     0.023355     0.023596 |     0.017976     0.017347     0.018606
READ                1         0         0 |     0.120613     0.120613     0.120613 |     0.010775     0.010775     0.010775
WRITE               3         0         0 |     3.476515     0.943374     8.482333 |     0.015313     0.009988     0.019987
CREATE              6         0         0 |    11.567501     0.875509    30.555752 |     0.017923     0.009620     0.036535
REMOVE              5         0         0 |     1.005996     0.746162     1.141283 |     0.015108     0.009572     0.016710
RENAME              1         0         0 |     2.538460     2.538460     2.538460 |     0.017815     0.017815     0.017815
READDIRPLUS         5         0         0 |     0.281475     0.081980     0.905870 |     0.015604     0.011688     0.019417
FSINFO              2         0         0 |     0.027047     0.012406     0.041689 |     0.010651     0.009803     0.011498
PATHCONF            1         0         0 |     0.015112     0.015112     0.015112 |     0.010001     0.010001     0.010001

# ganesha_stats v4_full
NFSv4 Detailed statistics
Timestamp: Mon Jan 28 02:15:55 2019730861583 nsecs

Operation Details                |  Operation Latency                     |  Queue Latency
Name            Total     Error  |       Avg          Min           Max   |      Avg          Min           Max
ACCESS              9         0 |     1.651072     0.020832    13.459373 |     0.020437     0.010946     0.061527
CLOSE               8         0 |     0.062840     0.041341     0.133258 |     0.016127     0.011833     0.019749
GETATTR           105         0 |     4.871099     0.020337   240.538668 |     0.017594     0.009267     0.061527
GETFH              13         0 |    23.957723     0.037377   240.525346 |     0.014735     0.010946     0.017215
LOOKUP              9         4 |     5.350111     0.035836    47.339675 |     0.016598     0.011479     0.028909
OPEN               10         2 |    26.402119     0.071451   240.520741 |     0.015650     0.010946     0.017569
OPEN_CONFIRM         1         0 |     0.043296     0.043296     0.043296 |     0.017917     0.017917     0.017917
PUTFH             129         0 |     0.022270     0.011216     0.056945 |     0.017441     0.009267     0.061527
READ                1         0 |     0.072095     0.072095     0.072095 |     0.009897     0.009897     0.009897
READDIR             7         0 |    53.390574     0.049417   371.719512 |     0.018707     0.010025     0.039433
READLINK            2         0 |     0.046855     0.045692     0.048018 |     0.014764     0.011391     0.018138
REMOVE              5         0 |    36.401128     0.745786   146.347221 |     0.015334     0.011325     0.019788
RENAME              1         0 |   180.708608   180.708608   180.708608 |     0.011648     0.011648     0.011648
RENEW               2         0 |     0.024271     0.021181     0.027362 |     0.016085     0.015863     0.016308
SAVEFH              1         0 |     0.024527     0.024527     0.024527 |     0.011648     0.011648     0.011648
SETATTR             9         0 |    15.815532     0.969664    38.574486 |     0.016131     0.010168     0.020155
WRITE               3         0 |    17.976211     8.583815    23.993364 |     0.014148     0.010053     0.017343

Extracting fsal specific stats (considering fsal stats counting already enabled):

# ganesha_stats fsal gpfs
Timestamp: Thu Aug 23 00:37:14 2018554766976 nsecs
FSAL Stats (response time in milliseconds):
        Op-Name         Total     Res:Avg         Min           Max
NAME_TO_HANDLE             45     0.037271     0.001532     1.460589
OPEN_BY_HANDLE             57     1.226331     0.005179    59.483080
GET_XSTAT                 436     0.027083     0.001211     9.457173
SET_XSTAT                  12     5.177517     0.836911    20.598806
CLOSE_FILE                 10     0.014505     0.006658     0.064869
RENAME_BY_FH                1    85.685211    85.685211    85.685211
STAT_BY_NAME                6     0.007922     0.006331     0.011113
UNLINK_BY_NAME              5     5.621457     1.163010    12.988609
CREATE_BY_NAME              5    30.377444     1.020835   101.153596
READ_BY_FD                  2     0.015599     0.012296     0.018902
WRITE_BY_FD                 3    11.512359     1.477251    28.555763

Extracting Getting RPC Queue specific stats (assuming it is already enabled):

# ganesha_stats rpc
Timestamp: Mon Jan 28 02:16:51 2019898043588 nsecs

RPC Receive Queue Statistics (4 Queues):
    Pending Requests   :         0
    Completed Requests :       132
 QueueName       Pending  Complete      Avg wait      Max wait  (Milliseconds)
REQ_Q_MOUNT                0         0      0.000000      0.000000
REQ_Q_CALL                 0         0      0.000000      0.000000
REQ_Q_LOW_LATENCY          0       107      0.015309      0.059700
REQ_Q_HIGH_LATENCY         0        25      0.013215      0.023032

RPC Send Queue Status (Milliseconds):
    RPCs sent -              132
    Avg wait time -     0.000405
    Max wait time -     0.000944

Extracting Authentication related stats (assuming it is already enabled):

# ganesha_stats auth
Timestamp: Thu May 16 13:41:58 2019870093583 nsecs
Authentication related stats

Group Cache
Total ops: 4
Ave Latency: 0.8792455
Max Latency: 1.463887
Min Latency: 0.093453

Total ops: 44
Ave Latency: 10.7604362955
Max Latency: 206.015097
Min Latency: 0.142931

Resetting the stats:

# ganesha_stats  reset
Successfully resetted statistics counters


Last Updated



